To plant a tree is to believe in tomorrow

So what if we plant 350 trees? Inspired by Hioki E.E. Corporation‘s tree planting initiatives around the globe starting more than 30 years ago, we decided to also contribute to climate protection on a local level by supporting the initiative “Herzenswald Schmitten“. 

This initiative supports the sustainable reforestation of a mixed forest in the Taunus region near our HIOKI Europe office. The idea for this project was inspired by HIOKI’s tradition of planting trees as early as 1990 when 60,000 trees were planted around the Japanese headquarters initiated by Hioki E.E. Corporation employees in Japan – an area now known as HIOKI Forest Hills.

HIOKI EUROPE GmbH‘s motivation behind this project though was not only to continue the tradition but the genuine belief that we want to do something for a good cause, bringing one of our corporate principles to life, which is “Contribution to Society”. Bad weather didn’t stop us from our mission to plant over 100 trees for reforestation by ourselves and donating over 350 trees!

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We are happy to share some impressions from our tree planting day supporting “Herzenswald Schmitten” and highlight the positive impact we all can make on the environment. At HIOKI, “Respect for Humanity” and “Contribution to Society” are our core values. These values are not just words on paper; they guide our actions and decisions. We firmly believe in positively impacting our world and creating a sustainable future. Thanks to everyone who participated in this project, making it a reality.


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