Low internal resistance is a must for high-performance batteries

Faster charging and acceleration of EV’s depend on it. The lower the internal resistance the easier the charge and discharge current can flow and the lower the internal losses of the battery are.

Therefore, it is recommended to measure the internal resistance of battery cells at various stages in the production line to detect less performing or even defective products and to ensure high-quality.

The BT356xA series offers a stable and cost-efficient solution for this measurement using the AC-AR measurement method. This method uses a fixed 1kHz AC test signal and is the industry standard method to measure the internal resistance of Li-ion batteries. The main benefit of the AC-IR method is the short measurement time. This results into shorter inspection time and lower production costs.

In addition, the series is also highly resistant against external noise. This is an important feature because there is a high level of electromagnetic noise in automated battery production lines due to the high number of inverter motor drives that operated the production conveyor belts.

  1. High electromagnetic noise resistance guaranteeing stable measurements.
  2. Excellent sensitivity to accurately measure the low internal resistance batteries used in EVs.
  3. Increased productivity with the fast AC-IR measurement method.
  4. Suited for efficient production line testing in combination with the SW1002 multiplexer.

Internal resistance testing is recommended in various stages of the cell- and battery production line: During charge/discharge testing, aging testing, shipping inspection, and cell selection.

Are you interested in this topic? Do you need help on what is best practice for testing batteries in the production line and how to avoid unnecessary problems?

Then check out our webinar recording on YouTube, where we discuss the challenges of using sensitive measuring instruments in battery production lines. Discover valuable tips and tricks for achieving accurate, reliable, and consistent measuring results, putting your mind at ease.


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